I am fully aware that I tend to exaggerate. This is not one of those times!
My vacuum cleaner broke. The motor burned out, so I had to replace the vacuum. Had I known what was to come in the following couple of weeks, I would have bought a cheapie...
My watch broke. We sent it off and it was easily repaired. Thank goodness for small favors.
The next Friday, my car needed $1500 worth of repairs - OUCH!
Saturday, the mower broke. (Cracked head. This morning began with the joyful sound of the new mower revving up.)
Two days later, Dr Pig left on a business trip. The auspicious beginning was the driver showing up a half an hour late because he got lost. sigh
About 5 minutes after he left, the toaster broke (I fixed it by banging it upside down on the patio - I'm assuming that something was stuck in it.)
About half an hour later, the VCR broke. (Dr Pig was able to fix it.)
The next day it rained and a windshield wiper flew off my car. (Replaced)
Then the ABS light came on in Dr Pig's car. (Probably $1500 more in repairs. We are just going to pretend it's 1990 for a bit. It's not like there will be any icy roads to drive on until January anyway!)
Then (you didn't think it was over yet, did you?), the washing machine broke. Dr Pig, being a man who can Fix Things, fixed the washer. A $20 part was cracked. It was sort of involved because he had to take the motor apart, etc., but the $20 part probably would have cost us over $200 in repairs if we'd had it professionally repaired.
Then I got sick as a dog.
I'm hoping things have stopped breaking (including me). I'm not sure what kind of karmic revenge is underway, but I think it's going a bit too far. Dr Pig and I can do nothing but be amused at this point. It's too crazy not to laugh!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The List
Posted by
10:05 AM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Still coughing. I'm assuming I still have two lungs, although with the amount of coughing I'm doing it is entirely possible that I've coughed one of them up.
Haven't knit a stitch since my last post. When I'm really ill, the only kind of knitting I like is stockinette and I don't have a stockinette project on the needles right now. (I know - it's positively shocking!)
I need to go buy two 16" Addi Turbo 0s for some plain vanilla toe-ups. Maybe next week.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
dog days
As in sicker than the proverbial. I have succumbed to an allergy-related crud. Blerg.
I did manage to make it to bingo last night. Bean's school has a carnival every fall and the night before they have bingo. It's a blast. I figured today would be nasty regardless of whether I stayed home or not, so might as well go out with a bang. Today, I get to whimper!
In knitting news - yes, I still knit
Halcyon Socks by Wendy Johnson in Wollmeise 100% Lowenzahn
Firestarters by Yarnissima in Wollmeise 100% Red Hot Chili (now to the gusset)
I have to say that I have become very enamoured of the way Wollmeise knits up for me on toe- up socks. As I've said in the past, I'm an extremely loose knitter. I'm knitting both of these on two circs - size 0 addis. The fabric may be some of the best I've knitted for socks. I very much enjoy the cottony feel of the yarn while knitting. Being a loose knitter, overly sproingy yarn can sometimes be problematic for me. I have trouble with tension. Knitting with a yarn with very little sproing is a really good antidote.
Posted by
12:25 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Oh, Yeah, Blog
I took the summer off. I think I may have enough funny stuff and knitting and cooking stored up to entertain all of us for a while ;>
Your Bean Of The Day:
I hear this scream of “Jeeee-sus!” from across the room.
Me: Excuse Me?!
Bean: “Jee-sus Jesus Jesus!!!!!!!!” (screaming)
Me: !!!!!
Dr Pig: She said Cheezits
Me: oh!
Posted by
7:09 PM